I. Competition

The "Championship: LaLiga" competition is organized by Kickbase GmbH, Pariser Straße 25, ZIP 81667, Munich, Germany. 

This competition is exclusively governed by the terms and conditions of these terms and conditions of participation. By participating in the competition, the participants accept these terms and conditions of participation. 

II. Terms and Conditions

During the competition period (LaLiga season 2024/2025), the organizing company will organize an overall competition.

1. Global competition 

The global competition  will give participants the opportunity to win a global prize and will cover the entire LaLiga season. The global competition  period will be as follows:

Start: 1st LaLiga matchday (15.08.2023, 19:00)

End: 38th LaLiga matchday (25.05.2023, 18:30)

In order to participate in the competition , the participant must have carried out the participation actions described in base III before the start of the first match of the corresponding match day, the time being determined by the official LaLiga match schedule (accessible at 

III. Participation 

In order to participate in the competition, the participant must be registered as a user in the Kickbase App ("Kickbase Account"). Within the Kickbase App, he/she can participate in the challenge "Championship: LaLiga" and take part in the competitions. Specifically, one will have to create a team of eleven real LaLiga players, without exceeding the set virtual budget of 250 million euros. You may participate in the relevant competition  until the opening whistle of each LaLiga matchday (the "Participation Limit"). For the purposes of calculating the score, any team creation that takes place after the opening whistle and/or exceeds the established budget will not be taken into account. The calculation of the score for the individual competitions (Matchday Challenges) will be made on the basis of each individual matchday. The calculation of the overall competition  score will be made on the basis of the five best matchdays in terms of score, which will be added together, resulting in a final score.

Each participant may only participate with one Kickbase Account. The creation of additional accounts with the intention of registering them in the competition will not be permitted. In the event that the organizing company detects that there are several Kickbase Accounts participating in the competition from a single device, it may disqualify all affected Kickbase Accounts without having to justify such a decision. 

Participation in the competition  is free of charge, so that it does not depend on the prior purchase of a good or service, with the exception of the costs that may accrue based on the tariff that each participant has contracted with his or her telecommunications service provider. The collection of the prize may incur additional costs (see basis VI).

IV. Eligibility Requirements

Participation in the competition is open to all natural persons over the age of 18 who are legally resident in Spain, Germany, Austria or Switzerland and who have a Kickbase Account. Participation is not limited to existing customers of the organizing company, so that anyone who creates a Kickbase Account after the start of the competition period can become a participant. In order to be eligible to participate in the overall competition, participants must have participated in the "Championship: LaLiga" challenge for a minimum of five rounds. 

Any participant whose capacity to act is limited for any reason needs the consent of his/her legal representative in order to participate. 

No person who was involved in the design and/or implementation of the competition , nor the staff of the organizing company or their family members, may participate in the competition . Furthermore, the organizing company reserves the right to exclude persons from participating in the competition  in the event of just cause. In particular, just cause shall be deemed to exist in the event of (a) manipulation in connection with access to the competition or its implementation, (b) non-compliance with these legal conditions of participation, (c) unfair actions, or (d) the provision of false or misleading information in connection with participation in the competition. 

V. Exclusion from the competition

In the event of non-compliance with these terms and conditions of participation, the organizer reserves the right to exclude the person in breach of these terms and conditions of participation from the competition, even with retroactive effect. The same applies to the exclusion of persons who provide false identification data.

Any person using unauthorized tools or obtaining advantages by manipulation may be excluded from the competition  with retroactive effect. In such cases, the organizing company may refuse prizes, including prizes already awarded, and claim their return.

VI. Awards

For the 2024/2025 LaLiga season, the following global competition prizes will be awarded:

1st winner: 10.000 Euro 

The overall competition prizes will only be awarded once, based on the overall score, i.e. they will only be awarded to a single person. The winner of the overall competition prize will be determined two days after the 38th LaLiga matchday, i.e. on May 27, 2025, as part of the final score calculation within the Kickbase App. For the calculation of the final score, the five best matchdays in terms of score of each participant will be taken into account and added together to arrive at the final score. The participant with the highest score will receive the overall competition prize. In the event that two or more participants have the same score, the participant whose team value is the lowest, i.e. who has used the smallest part of the budget to create his/her team, will be considered the best. In the event that two or more participants have the same score and the same team value, the organizing company will decide the winner by random draw. In this respect, no legal recourse may be taken.

The winner will be notified of his/her prize at the email address provided at the time of registration of the Kickbase Account.

The prize will be delivered by bank transfer. The prize will not be exchangeable for any other prize or for its cash equivalent, it cannot be collected by the participant, nor can it be transferred.

The Prizes of this competition  will be subject to the current legislation regarding taxes and duties that may apply to the Prizes and winners at the time of delivery of the Prize. It shall be the winner's responsibility to submit the prize for taxation, if applicable. Kickbase will not be responsible for the winner's compliance with the winner's tax obligations.

In the event that the winner, after having been requested twice by the organizing company, fails to provide the information below within a total period of three weeks, the organizing company may award the prize to the next participant in terms of points. 

Name and surname 

Mailing address, if the prize is to be delivered by mail, and 

Confirmation that the winner is over 18 years of age.

VII. Early termination of the competition 

The organizing company expressly reserves the right to cancel or terminate the competition early without prior notice and without stating reasons. In particular, the organizing company will make use of this option if there are reasons that affect or prevent the competition  from running as planned or if the proper running of the competition  cannot be guaranteed for technical (e.g. computer viruses, manipulation or errors in the hardware and/or software) or legal reasons.

VIII. Disclaimer of liability of Facebook

This competition  is in no way affiliated with Facebook, nor is it sponsored, endorsed or organized in any way by Facebook. Participants shall hold Facebook harmless from any claims arising from their participation in the competition .

IX. Privacy/Data Protection

1. Responsibility for data collection and data processing 

The organizing company will collect and process your data in its capacity as data controller for the purposes of the GDPR. 

The Data Protection Officer of the Company is Mr. Detlef Kutta, email

2. Data subject to processing and purpose of processing 

The organizing company will collect and process your data exclusively for the purpose of developing and executing the competition , including sending the prizes.

To fulfill this purpose, we will process the following personal data:

Name and surname

Adult yes/no

Contact data (user, e-mail address, postal address)

The processing of such data for the aforementioned purpose is necessary to execute the competition  relationship with you and will be based on the legitimate basis for processing of Article 6, paragraph 1, letter b of the GDPR. Without the above data, we will not be able to run the competition  or send the prizes. The organizing company informs that no personal data of the participants will be transferred or transferred for use to third parties. 

3. In the event of being awarded a prize, prize winners consent to the publication of their name, user and Kickbase profile picture in the advertising media used by the organizing company in accordance with Article 6, paragraph 1, letter a of the GDPR, expressly including the publication of the winner on the website of the organizing company and its social media (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter). The winner may revoke his/her consent at any time by addressing the revocation in writing to the email address

4. Transfer of data

Except for the fulfillment of the purposes stated above (including the postal delivery of the prize), no transfer of data to third parties will take place. 

5. Data storage period  

The organizing company will only store the data collected within the framework of the competition  for the period necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected. Generally, 14 days after the end of the competition and the dispatch of the prizes, the Organizer will delete the data, provided that the data is not required for the notification of the prizes or the Organizer is obliged to store the data for a longer period by law or by virtue of an administrative or judicial decision.

6. Rights of data subjects

Data subjects may request information on which of their data is stored (art. 15 of the GDPR). They may request rectification (Art. 16 GDPR), erasure (Art. 17 GDPR) and restriction of processing (Art. 18 GDPR), insofar as this is legally permissible and possible within the framework of an existing contractual relationship.

In addition, data subjects shall have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, the supervisory authority competent for the affairs of the organizing company being the Bayerisches Landesamt für Datenschutzaufsicht (BayLDA), domiciled at Promenade 18, CP 91522 Ansbach, Germany.

You have the right to the portability of data that you have provided to the organizing company on the basis of your consent or on the basis of a contract (data portability, Art. 20 GDPR).

If you have given your consent to the processing of data to the organizing company, you may revoke it at any time using the same means used to give consent. The revocation of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out on the basis of the consent until the moment of its revocation (art. 7 paragraph 3 of the GDPR).

You may object to the processing of your data for reasons arising from your particular situation, if the processing of your data is carried out on the basis of our legitimate interests or is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest (art. 21 of the GDPR). To exercise your rights, you only have to send the corresponding communication by e-mail to

X. Liability

The organizing company will be released from all obligations at the time of sending the prizes, unless it would result in an earlier time than stipulated in these legal bases.

The organizing company is not liable for any material or legal deficiencies of the prizes. 

The organizing company is not liable for insolvencies of collaborators or for the consequences that such insolvencies may have on the execution and development of the competition . 

The Organizer shall be liable within the framework of subjective liability in the event of intent and gross negligence, irrespective of its legal cause. In the case of slight negligence, the organizing company shall be liable, without prejudice to the statutory limitations of liability (e.g. diligence in one's own affairs; slight breach of duty), only (i) for damages for injury to life, body or health and (ii) for damages resulting from the breach of an essential duty (i.e. an obligation the fulfillment of which is decisive for the proper execution of the competition and on whose fulfillment the participants can and normally do rely). However, if this is the case, liability shall be limited to compensation for the damage that typically and foreseeably occurs.

XI. Miscellaneous

Any questions or complaints regarding the competition should be addressed to the organizing company. Contact details can be found at 

The competition of the operator/organizing company is subject exclusively to the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany. Recourse to legal action is excluded. 

Should any provision of these terms and conditions of participation be or become invalid in whole or in part, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of these terms and conditions of participation. In place of the invalid provision, the legally applicable regulation shall apply, the purpose and meaning of which comes as close as possible to the purpose and meaning of the invalid provision. The same shall apply in the event of loopholes in these terms and conditions of participation.


I. Competition

The "Championship: LaLiga" competition is organized by Kickbase GmbH, Pariser Straße 25, ZIP 81667, Munich, Germany. 

This competition is exclusively governed by the terms and conditions of these terms and conditions of participation. By participating in the competition, the participants accept these terms and conditions of participation. 

II. Terms and Conditions

During the competition period (LaLiga season 2024/2025), the organizing company will organize an overall competition.

1. Global competition 

The global competition  will give participants the opportunity to win a global prize and will cover the entire LaLiga season. The global competition  period will be as follows:

Start: 1st LaLiga matchday (15.08.2023, 19:00)

End: 38th LaLiga matchday (25.05.2023, 18:30)

In order to participate in the competition , the participant must have carried out the participation actions described in base III before the start of the first match of the corresponding match day, the time being determined by the official LaLiga match schedule (accessible at 

III. Participation 

In order to participate in the competition, the participant must be registered as a user in the Kickbase App ("Kickbase Account"). Within the Kickbase App, he/she can participate in the challenge "Championship: LaLiga" and take part in the competitions. Specifically, one will have to create a team of eleven real LaLiga players, without exceeding the set virtual budget of 250 million euros. You may participate in the relevant competition  until the opening whistle of each LaLiga matchday (the "Participation Limit"). For the purposes of calculating the score, any team creation that takes place after the opening whistle and/or exceeds the established budget will not be taken into account. The calculation of the score for the individual competitions (Matchday Challenges) will be made on the basis of each individual matchday. The calculation of the overall competition  score will be made on the basis of the five best matchdays in terms of score, which will be added together, resulting in a final score.

Each participant may only participate with one Kickbase Account. The creation of additional accounts with the intention of registering them in the competition will not be permitted. In the event that the organizing company detects that there are several Kickbase Accounts participating in the competition from a single device, it may disqualify all affected Kickbase Accounts without having to justify such a decision. 

Participation in the competition  is free of charge, so that it does not depend on the prior purchase of a good or service, with the exception of the costs that may accrue based on the tariff that each participant has contracted with his or her telecommunications service provider. The collection of the prize may incur additional costs (see basis VI).

IV. Eligibility Requirements

Participation in the competition is open to all natural persons over the age of 18 who are legally resident in Spain, Germany, Austria or Switzerland and who have a Kickbase Account. Participation is not limited to existing customers of the organizing company, so that anyone who creates a Kickbase Account after the start of the competition period can become a participant. In order to be eligible to participate in the overall competition, participants must have participated in the "Championship: LaLiga" challenge for a minimum of five rounds. 

Any participant whose capacity to act is limited for any reason needs the consent of his/her legal representative in order to participate. 

No person who was involved in the design and/or implementation of the competition , nor the staff of the organizing company or their family members, may participate in the competition . Furthermore, the organizing company reserves the right to exclude persons from participating in the competition  in the event of just cause. In particular, just cause shall be deemed to exist in the event of (a) manipulation in connection with access to the competition or its implementation, (b) non-compliance with these legal conditions of participation, (c) unfair actions, or (d) the provision of false or misleading information in connection with participation in the competition. 

V. Exclusion from the competition

In the event of non-compliance with these terms and conditions of participation, the organizer reserves the right to exclude the person in breach of these terms and conditions of participation from the competition, even with retroactive effect. The same applies to the exclusion of persons who provide false identification data.

Any person using unauthorized tools or obtaining advantages by manipulation may be excluded from the competition  with retroactive effect. In such cases, the organizing company may refuse prizes, including prizes already awarded, and claim their return.

VI. Awards

For the 2024/2025 LaLiga season, the following global competition prizes will be awarded:

1st winner: 10.000 Euro 

The overall competition prizes will only be awarded once, based on the overall score, i.e. they will only be awarded to a single person. The winner of the overall competition prize will be determined two days after the 38th LaLiga matchday, i.e. on May 27, 2025, as part of the final score calculation within the Kickbase App. For the calculation of the final score, the five best matchdays in terms of score of each participant will be taken into account and added together to arrive at the final score. The participant with the highest score will receive the overall competition prize. In the event that two or more participants have the same score, the participant whose team value is the lowest, i.e. who has used the smallest part of the budget to create his/her team, will be considered the best. In the event that two or more participants have the same score and the same team value, the organizing company will decide the winner by random draw. In this respect, no legal recourse may be taken.

The winner will be notified of his/her prize at the email address provided at the time of registration of the Kickbase Account.

The prize will be delivered by bank transfer. The prize will not be exchangeable for any other prize or for its cash equivalent, it cannot be collected by the participant, nor can it be transferred.

The Prizes of this competition  will be subject to the current legislation regarding taxes and duties that may apply to the Prizes and winners at the time of delivery of the Prize. It shall be the winner's responsibility to submit the prize for taxation, if applicable. Kickbase will not be responsible for the winner's compliance with the winner's tax obligations.

In the event that the winner, after having been requested twice by the organizing company, fails to provide the information below within a total period of three weeks, the organizing company may award the prize to the next participant in terms of points. 

Name and surname 

Mailing address, if the prize is to be delivered by mail, and 

Confirmation that the winner is over 18 years of age.

VII. Early termination of the competition 

The organizing company expressly reserves the right to cancel or terminate the competition early without prior notice and without stating reasons. In particular, the organizing company will make use of this option if there are reasons that affect or prevent the competition  from running as planned or if the proper running of the competition  cannot be guaranteed for technical (e.g. computer viruses, manipulation or errors in the hardware and/or software) or legal reasons.

VIII. Disclaimer of liability of Facebook

This competition  is in no way affiliated with Facebook, nor is it sponsored, endorsed or organized in any way by Facebook. Participants shall hold Facebook harmless from any claims arising from their participation in the competition .

IX. Privacy/Data Protection

1. Responsibility for data collection and data processing 

The organizing company will collect and process your data in its capacity as data controller for the purposes of the GDPR. 

The Data Protection Officer of the Company is Mr. Detlef Kutta, email

2. Data subject to processing and purpose of processing 

The organizing company will collect and process your data exclusively for the purpose of developing and executing the competition , including sending the prizes.

To fulfill this purpose, we will process the following personal data:

Name and surname

Adult yes/no

Contact data (user, e-mail address, postal address)

The processing of such data for the aforementioned purpose is necessary to execute the competition  relationship with you and will be based on the legitimate basis for processing of Article 6, paragraph 1, letter b of the GDPR. Without the above data, we will not be able to run the competition  or send the prizes. The organizing company informs that no personal data of the participants will be transferred or transferred for use to third parties. 

3. In the event of being awarded a prize, prize winners consent to the publication of their name, user and Kickbase profile picture in the advertising media used by the organizing company in accordance with Article 6, paragraph 1, letter a of the GDPR, expressly including the publication of the winner on the website of the organizing company and its social media (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter). The winner may revoke his/her consent at any time by addressing the revocation in writing to the email address

4. Transfer of data

Except for the fulfillment of the purposes stated above (including the postal delivery of the prize), no transfer of data to third parties will take place. 

5. Data storage period  

The organizing company will only store the data collected within the framework of the competition  for the period necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected. Generally, 14 days after the end of the competition and the dispatch of the prizes, the Organizer will delete the data, provided that the data is not required for the notification of the prizes or the Organizer is obliged to store the data for a longer period by law or by virtue of an administrative or judicial decision.

6. Rights of data subjects

Data subjects may request information on which of their data is stored (art. 15 of the GDPR). They may request rectification (Art. 16 GDPR), erasure (Art. 17 GDPR) and restriction of processing (Art. 18 GDPR), insofar as this is legally permissible and possible within the framework of an existing contractual relationship.

In addition, data subjects shall have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, the supervisory authority competent for the affairs of the organizing company being the Bayerisches Landesamt für Datenschutzaufsicht (BayLDA), domiciled at Promenade 18, CP 91522 Ansbach, Germany.

You have the right to the portability of data that you have provided to the organizing company on the basis of your consent or on the basis of a contract (data portability, Art. 20 GDPR).

If you have given your consent to the processing of data to the organizing company, you may revoke it at any time using the same means used to give consent. The revocation of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out on the basis of the consent until the moment of its revocation (art. 7 paragraph 3 of the GDPR).

You may object to the processing of your data for reasons arising from your particular situation, if the processing of your data is carried out on the basis of our legitimate interests or is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest (art. 21 of the GDPR). To exercise your rights, you only have to send the corresponding communication by e-mail to

X. Liability

The organizing company will be released from all obligations at the time of sending the prizes, unless it would result in an earlier time than stipulated in these legal bases.

The organizing company is not liable for any material or legal deficiencies of the prizes. 

The organizing company is not liable for insolvencies of collaborators or for the consequences that such insolvencies may have on the execution and development of the competition . 

The Organizer shall be liable within the framework of subjective liability in the event of intent and gross negligence, irrespective of its legal cause. In the case of slight negligence, the organizing company shall be liable, without prejudice to the statutory limitations of liability (e.g. diligence in one's own affairs; slight breach of duty), only (i) for damages for injury to life, body or health and (ii) for damages resulting from the breach of an essential duty (i.e. an obligation the fulfillment of which is decisive for the proper execution of the competition and on whose fulfillment the participants can and normally do rely). However, if this is the case, liability shall be limited to compensation for the damage that typically and foreseeably occurs.

XI. Miscellaneous

Any questions or complaints regarding the competition should be addressed to the organizing company. Contact details can be found at 

The competition of the operator/organizing company is subject exclusively to the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany. Recourse to legal action is excluded. 

Should any provision of these terms and conditions of participation be or become invalid in whole or in part, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of these terms and conditions of participation. In place of the invalid provision, the legally applicable regulation shall apply, the purpose and meaning of which comes as close as possible to the purpose and meaning of the invalid provision. The same shall apply in the event of loopholes in these terms and conditions of participation.